Bei den Montana Black Artist Editions bietet MONTANA CANS ausgewählten Künstlern die Möglichkeit, einen Farbton aus unsere Black Reihe zu wählen und den Farbnamen auf ihre Art und Weise auf der Dose zu interpretieren.
Die Montana Black Special Edition - 6310 Mina ist die 15te Special Edition Spraydose der Montana Black Serie.
When we work with artists who become featured on the Montana Black Artist Edition Series, we like to know what lies below the surface of their artistic skin. It is not always possible to get the dirt on an artists, so when we managed to speak to MINA and BRUCE about the 15th edition of the Montana BLACK Limitd Edition Artist Series, we were twice as excited. Here is a little insight on what makes them tick and how the project fit within their art practice.
Farbton: BLK 6310 "Olymp". 400ml